Morning Meditation – December 1, 2015


Morning Meditation – December 1, 2015

Meditation for the Day


To work this program we need to develop our own understanding of a Higher Power. For many of us, this can be quite challenging. Since childhood, we’ve heard a number of teachings about God. But over the years, our experiences of life have often been in conflict with those teachings. So now that we are trying to find the understanding that will allow us to work this program, we ask ourselves: where do I begin? A speaker at a meeting offered this prayer, “God, show me the understanding that will work for me.” The beauty of this simple prayer is that it goes directly to the Source. The beliefs that are suggested by our peers can be tainted by their biases and limitations. Asking God to give us the understanding we need allows God to be our teacher of who God is. In time, we will discover the understanding that enables us to work this program. Each person might get a different answer to this same prayer. That’s just God’s way of respecting our individual differences and responding to our unique spiritual needs.


Prayer for the Day


I pray that I will be open to any understanding of God or Higher Power that allows me to work this program and develop my own beliefs. I ask my Higher Power to help me be as respectful of my peers and their beliefs as I hope they will be respectful of mine.